Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Photos to Remind You That the Post-Grad Life is Real

This short collage of pictures starring my WONDERFUL friends is a simple, yet hilarious joke that reminds us that the post-grad life can be boring, horrific and memorable all at the same damn time.

1. Let's begin with the fact that we are no where near the cool ocean-breezed, beautiful San Luis Obispo land and that in itself is depressing. Instead, we're all stuck in a town full of unbearable heat and high school memories.

2. It's bad enough that we were forced to move, but we also had to separate ourselves from our beloved friends who were our best and worst influences. Who else am I supposed to drink wine with at 3 p.m? You may be in similar situations like us where your dog is your only friend at the moment... 

Or maybe it's your mom... God bless.

3. Post-grad life is BORING. I apply to jobs hoping that my adjectives and self-descriptions help my applications, watch WAGS and Basketball Wives because I'm temporarily escaping reality and wishing that my life was glamorous and of course, make memes out of my pictures because why not? What else do I have to do other than be annoying and send these to friends in group texts?
4. Going back home is absolutely stressful. You haven't lived with your siblings let alone your PARENTS in years and then you're just shoved back into the life of rules and responsibilities. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure my blood pressure and stress levels have increased since I've been back. Sure, living at home can save you money... but it's not always worth going through those moments where you question life.

Or how about those days alone in your room and refuse to see sunlight:

5. You want to know what's also horrible about being home too? Going through your old stuff. From the depths of your closet to that random box in the attic, you're bored as hell so you might as well go through it all, right? WRONG. Now you're sad because you remember how easy life was back in the day and you wish that you could go back. Life, man.

6. The last thing about post-grad life that hurts my stomach is being back in the hometown where almost everyone still happens to be. Your parents friends, old co-workers and PEOPLE FROM HIGH SCHOOL. Sure, I like running into some people here and there, but dear god it is my worst nightmare when I see multiple people at the mall and I'm wearing sweat pants and no make-up not giving a F*&@. On top of that, you are forced to answer the most dreadful question there is... "So what are you doing now that you've graduated?!?!" No. Just no. 

If you relate to this, I'm sure you'll relate to this wonderful meme: